Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Best Home Defense Gun: 14 ELITE Tactical Experts Give Their Take

I have a Styer S-40 A1 with a .357 Sig barrel that I love. I actually like the trapezoidal sights BUT there is no option for trapezoidal night sights. I tried to apply some luminescent paint but it is not a great solution. Anyway I also have an XD-9 mod2 and an XDs .45 that I can deploy .

Consequently, shooters with weak or arthritic hands commonly keep their finger on the trigger while cocking the gun in order to have a better grip. The trigger finger then becomes part of the grip applying pressure to the trigger during the action of cocking the hammer. It features aunique 3-Dot Sight Systemfor swiftly acquiring a target. The internal magazine bevel is designed for quick tactical reloads in combat scenarios. At 33.3 ounces, it’s lightweight and easy to handle.


Use Winchester Defend 147gr JHP ammo and the recoil–as well as the muzzle flash–is even lower. You could just go with a non-suppressed pistol caliber carbine. It will be a little bit quieter than the pistol, and the Kel-Tec Sub-2000 is well-balanced enough to shoot one-handed, if you need open a door or something. Probably most of the other semi-auto PCCs have similar balance.

what is best home defense weapon

Each expert has their go-to firearm, however, the best home defense gun really depends on your personal situation, needs, and skill level. Firearms to include bullets are nothing more than a tool used for a variety of jobs. Like anything else, one tool is may not be the best for every job.

More Shotgun Info

I guess I'm a Smith and Wesson guy (don't tell my .22 Henry Golden Boy or my 12 gauge Mossberg 500 Tactical). Rather than night sights, I utilize an integrated Crimson Trace Laser on my Shield. Both the full size and the CCW 9mm are in my nightstand in a rapid open Sentry Safe. As far as flashlights go, I trained myself to turn on the house lights from a wall switch, rather than make myself a target with a flashlight . If the house lights suddenly going on will get the bad dudes to leave without a confrontation, that is best. I just spent three weeks testing all the 9mm full size and compact guns at my local range and shot 50 rounds on each to see which one would give me the Best grouping.

what is best home defense weapon

So, if you live in the suburbs, where your home isn’t as small as an apartment, and maneuverability is not an issue, a shotgun can be very effective. I would have to say an AR-15 is the best for home defense. For handguns, I would pick the Springfield XD Mod.2 tactical in 9mm for home defense with 17 +p rounds loaded up (16+1). I have the Mod.2 service 9mm model and love that gun. I can’t disagree with the .357 mag, a 7 shot with at least 4″ barrel would be devastating.

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Another thing that a knife can do is save your life in a fight. It’s one of the best self-defense items that you can carry. No matter how many precautions you take to avoid getting into a bad situation, trouble may still find you. When that happens, you need to know how to defend yourself. I’m no expert, but I feel the answer to your question truly depends on different factors/variables.

And 357 magnum is a much more effective round than 9 mm. Maybe even 38 special + P is better or equal to 9 mm; I don’t know. A pistol is also an option for home defense. They are small, compact, relatively easy to shoot , and are made for close range. Pistol caliber bullets tend to be less powerful — although often larger in diameter than a rifle bullet — because there is simply less power pushing that bullet out of the gun.

They went in looking for red riding hood’s grandma and found a spartan in her place. Having said that speed kills, with modern advancements in bullet technology, it’s not unheard of having 9mm ammo that travels at 1300fps+. The human body is more water than not; when you have small things moving fast, they tend to displace water a lot better then large things moving slow. One of the most modular firearms available is the AR style rifle not only for accessories it can also be configured to fire calibers ranging from .22LR to 50BMG. I have 3m film on my windows, exterior lighting, and motion sensors.

TheGen 4 pistolcomes with three magazines and boasts enlarged reversible magazine releases. The Model 19 has interchangeable backstraps and rough-textured frames to enhance grip. Also, 9mm rounds are cheaper which means you can practice with your gun while spending less. The reality is that any handgun has the potential to stop someone, provided you hit the right area. Our main factors were the overall quality, reliability, accuracy, capacity and ease of use for each gun.

Assorted AR MagsThere are higher capacity ones but mostly you trade off a little reliability. I’d stick with 30-rounders for home defense purposes. Our favorite is the Smith & Wesson 686+ that brings 7 rounds of either .38 Special or .357 Magnum. However…revolvers are not some mythical reliability machine.

what is best home defense weapon

Though some people think that using a rifle for home defense is a bit overkill, there are certain situations where a rifle is ideal. In such states, it is important to make sure that your self-defense weapon is practical while complying with the laws as well. Attaching a light to the weapon moves it up one slot on the list. Have been using it for my personal carry gun, but am now replacing it with a Springfield XDE. I’m a bit apprehensive about the 5 round capacity of the SLR. I’m a huge fan of DA/SA, Pistol or revolver. Those rifled barrels are hell on shot dispersal.

Impact Weapons – Classic Self Defense Weapon

You can also loop the cord around your wrist for a more secure hold. When the time comes to use Kubaton, all you need to do is to hold the weapon in your fist firmly, and then punch, stab, or jab the attacker with it. Because they’re small, you can carry them on your keychain and most people won’t bat an eye. You don’t need to carry around a large baton to thwack someone with a heavy blow, thanks to Kubatons.

what is best home defense weapon

Good article, I'm now 62, it's getting harder for me and very hard for my wife to handle full size recoil, slides, etc. I just got my wife a Taurus TX-22, Loaded with high velocity HP's. Her hands and wrists can handle the negligible recoil and 16 rounds at 1400+ fps even light bullets penetrate. I have also put what are called slide rackers on my XD - 9 and my Glock. Competition shooters and some police use them.

The KISS axiom will never not apply, and striker-fired handguns lead the pack when it comes to simplicity of operation. Very well written and comprehensive article. Of course, when carrying my Glock 17 or 21 they are condition red. I’m sorry but I have a very different view.

For a novice shooter, I am more inclined to recommend a double barrel break action shotgun. It has fewer moving parts reducing the chance for malfunction, is dirt simple to use, and has relatively low penetration values. It all depends on your experience level and what weapon you are comfortable utilizing.

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