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I’ve seen people do this more times than I care to count. “The best home defense gun for seniors” can be a rather contentious subject. I should also be clear regarding the kinds of people this article is meant to address and the foundation upon which I have built my opinions regarding the subject at hand. TheBlack Hogue Monogripsignificantly reduces recoil which is a very attractive feature for people who aren’t used to the harsh blowback of many firearms.
Not mentioned but important is cost and availability of ammo. Ammo, none of the dealers around here have it in stock and if they do the price is out of sight the same is true for 380. Yes, you can find all of it BUT, for a gun you will likely need to pay an FFL fee, shipping and tax on ammo you also face shipping charges.
Top 4 Optics-Ready Home Defense Pistols
Additionally, it’s also good to practice using pepper spray, like any other weapon. Great write up from some of the best warfighters in the business. Having a plan, executing that plan, and spending time behind your weapons is critical to success. As you might have guessed , the “perfect” gun for home defense is not one weapon in particular.

They bring a decent magazine capacity, with standard models offering 17 or more rounds at the ready, a factor that can prove decisive in the event of a home invasion by multiple subjects. A better choice would be for a handgun in a common, proven defensive caliber– 9mm Luger, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .40 S&W, 10mm Auto and .45ACP. At the end of the day, a pistol is great choice for a home defense weapon. Because when faced with the possibility of defending yourself and your family, sometimes even the smallest weapons are most effective in the right hands. You’ll also usually want to prioritize handguns or shotguns over rifles.
#3. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M2.0 9mm Pistol W/ CT Laserguard Pro Green Laser/Light Combo
They don't need the benefits that come with a polymer pistol. They won't be carrying it on duty for eight hours a day. I believe the "Best Gun" for anyone, is one that they can afford to buy and practice with. As far as a recommendation, I would suggest a revolver or a striker fire pistol with a 4 inch +/- barrel.
Most “gun people” immediately understand the difficulty in loading a magazine and racking a slide. Nor do they immediately consider the effort it takes for older persons to hold a two or three pound handgun out in front of them long enough to fire it repeatedly. Little guns are much more difficult to shoot properly than are big ones. Please don’t advise older people who have difficulty operating big guns to buy little ones. Historically I have encountered two standard pieces of advice given to anyone who asks a gun store clerk what gun they should buy for home defense.
Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0
Love it’s versatility – rounds for any occasion. Love it’s reliability, ease of use and stopping power. I have owned this same gun for over 30 years and it is the only gun I have ever owned. The AR-15 is way too much power inside the home.
Home defense should be a serious consideration for all homeowners and renters. It’s impossible to predict if a criminal will single out your home for a robbery or an invasion. So make sure that you’re prepared to defend your home and your family in close quarters by investing in one of these or — better yet — a collection of the best home-defense guns.
Nothing is wrong with either caliber, just user preference. There are only a few hard “no’s” in my opinion. No break action rifles or shotguns , single or double-barreled, and nothing too complicated. I would even go further and say a shotgun chambered for a 20 gauge shell would work better.
What’s your particular situation and which type of firearm did you go with? If you’ve chosen a platform do you know the best place to store it? If not, check How To Stage Guns for Home Defense. There’s a lot of stuff to digest…and a lot of questions to ask yourself about your particular home defense situation. Fingers crossed that you never have to actually use a firearm in a home defense situation…but it can still happen. Circle of Shooting Ear ProtectionChances are you won’t have time to put on something in a home defense situation.
She and I are both CCW for Montana; she was for California too. Date night will include dinner and the range at least once a month from now on. I am a beginner and have found your comment very insightful.
Won’t work if your fingers are really sweaty though. If you’re racking from the back just go ahead and flip the sa fety down, it works much better than the serrations. Just be aware that you’ll have to flip it back up to fire, but it’s not an issue for anyone who practices with it. My vote for the best home defense weapon would be a 20 ga. autoloader with a very short barrel.
The Ruger Security 9 is a seriously more affordable option over the Glock 19. It is American made and sells for roughly 60% of the price of the Glock(Paid $299 for mine). The only drawback that I have found is that because it is still a relatively new product, holster and accessory options are somewhat limited.

You will want to learn how to use these weapons and fight properly. While they’re very effective self-defense weapons, they are also quite expensive. Additionally, civilian models are limited to a 5-foot range. Everything else is completely factory to maintain the Glock’s reliability. I get asked that often and my answer remains the same.
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